Mario Games
Marios Keytastrophe
Upon hearing the news of a new land called Melodia, Mario quickly hurries to see the wonders of it. However, he will see far more...
Played 57854 times
More Super Mario Games To Play
Sonic Erazor
Explore beautifully reworked stages like Night Hill, Scar Night, and Star Agony in this fantastic, complete rom hack
Super Bubble Bros
A fun spin off game featuring all new enemies and lots of bubbles.
New Super Mario Bros
Explore 8 worlds of 80 levels. Use the Blue Shell and Super Mushroom to aid your rescue of Princess Peach.
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario Bros 3 is one of the greatest games ever made. 8 Worlds and many bosses and challenges await you.
Super Mario Land 4
A fan hack with just 4 levels but all of which are dangerous and fairly lengthy. This rom will put your skills to the test.
Mario Bros Lost Levels 2
Plays like Mario 1 but with improved graphics and the overworld map of Super Mario World. A bit choppy at times.
Mario Must Die
Bowser got tired of losing all the time so he hired some devious engineers to design horribly difficult levels
Sonic Mario 2
Mario finds himself in a strange new world with strange new powers - He can run fast and spin dash! All new levels.
Super Mario 2 Dream Courses
Mario World hacked to play like Mario 2. Mario is trapped in a nightmare and must defeat King Wart to escape.
Super Mario World 64
Super Mario World but for the Sega Genesis. Plays very much like the original for the SNES.
Master Mario Bros
Shoot up all the Goombas as quickly as you can in this wild Sega Master System rom hack
Mario Around The World
A fun sega genesis hack featuring a desert themed world and the usual line up of baddies
Mario Elemental Quest
A familiar starting message but an unfamiliar world await Mario in this one. Has all new levels to play.
Super Mario World Plus 4
One day Mario sets sail on his boat but a terrible storm causes him to crash on an island. Will Mario ever escape?
Super Mario Advance 3 Yoshis Island
You can play either Super Mario Advance 3 or Yoshis Island which are both fun action platformer games
Super Mario Zero
A difficult rom hack of Super Mario 1. Use save states to pass the tougher parts! You have been warned...
Super Mario Bros II 1998
This Super Mario game is actually a genesis hack and plays on the Mega Drive with all new graphics and tight controls
Vs Super Mario Bros Home Edition
Choose lives, timer speed, and credits and then have at it in this Super Mario rom hack
Mario The Lost Adventure III
95 new levels, more custom music, and a wintry setting! You can even play with Princess Peach sometimes.
New Super Mario World 1
Bowser has stolen the 12 Magic Orbs! Mario will have to face both Bowser and his wicked Bowser kids to get them back.
Mario World Vanilla LDC
A Level Design Contest (LDC) with 108 contest submissions. You can freely walk and access ALL levels at start.
Super Wario Bros
Play as Wario and Waluigi in this Super Mario hack. All the worlds and graphics have been redesigned as well.
Coolmarios Super Mario World
A fun rom hack of Super Mario World with all new levels to challenge the heck out of you. Good luck!
Blue Mario Bros
A complete hack of Super Mario 3 complete with new worlds to explore and very, very blue theme and palette
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