Mario Games
Mario The Lost Adventure III
95 new levels, more custom music, and a wintry setting! You can even play with Princess Peach sometimes.
Played 83201 times
More Super Mario Games To Play
Super Mario World Plus
Bowser's brother Mozart (what?) has kidnapped the Princess and all the Yoshis too. Only Mario can save the day!
Mario 3 A New Journey
Meant for long time SMB 3 fans, this complete redesign has 8 new worlds to conquer as well as new music
Mario World Death Land
A short rom hack that consists of just 10 challenging levels. Hard but not nearly as hard as Kaizo!
Mario Kart Crazy Tracks
These are some of the wackiest, craziest, zaniest tracks you will ever race on!
Super Mario Omega
Princess has been kidnapped and taken to the mysterious Gemtoa region. Mario must battle the Koopa Kids to save her!
Mario Legend Of The Rift
Mario has journeyed to the land of Asgard to investigate why the Earth seal was destroyed
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Choose from 8 different characters and race in 5 different cups in this awesome Mario Kart rom
Dr Mario Dx
This hack colorizes the original Dr Mario for the GameBoy. It is otherwise the same game.
Return To Super Mario World
Princess Peach has been kidnapped yet again. A whole new hack to explore with all new levels and some new gfx too.
Peachs Adventure
A side scrolling platformer starring Princess Peach in a Super Mario Bros like setting
New Super Mario Bros
Explore 8 worlds of 80 levels. Use the Blue Shell and Super Mushroom to aid your rescue of Princess Peach.
Donkey Kong NES
The original Donkey Kong game for the NES. Mario must save the princess in 3 separate levels.
Super Mario Coin Spikes
What would happen if coins were actually spikes?! Dodge the coins or die in this crazy Mario hack.
Mario World Boss Collection
Fight 77 bosses from SMB 1, 2, 3, World, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Mega Man, and more! No levels, just bosses!
Super Mario Arcade
No overworld or backward scrolling in this hack. Grab all the lives you can because there are no continues!
Samus must solve the riddle of Metroids and defeat Mother Brain as she explores the vast fortress Zebes
Mario vs Bowser Mighty No 9
Has new enemies, graphics, and scenery to explore. 88 total exits mean lots of fun finding all the secrets.
Megaman in Super Mario Bros
A remake of Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo but starring everyones favorite robot in 32 levels
Super Maura Bros 3
Super Mario 3 with all new worlds and levels. Slightly harder than the original.
Mario Kart R
A rom hack with all new courses to play through and Kirby has replaced Toad as a playable character
Franks Super Mario World
A difficult but not super unbelievably Kaizo difficult Mario World hack that veterans should love but newbs will not
Megaman 6
Mega Man has a new foe with the mysterious Mr. X who has reprogrammed 8 new robots for Mega Man to defeat
Super Mario World Plus 5
A prequel to the original Super Mario World that tells the story of how Mario became the hero he is today
Kaizo Mario Bros 3
For you sadists out there, this rom hack is for you! Prepare to die early and often as you get OWNED.
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