Mario Games
Mario Party Advance
Starring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi as they collect minigames and gaddgets from Shroom City
Played 112405 times
More Super Mario Games To Play
Super Mario Land 4
A fan hack with just 4 levels but all of which are dangerous and fairly lengthy. This rom will put your skills to the test.
Super Mario World Redrawn
Super Mario World but reimagined with a whole new set of graphics hand drawn from scratch
Super Mario Land DX
A rom hack of the original Super Mario Land for Gameboy, this game sports new graphics and color among other things
Super Depressed Bro
You cannot beat any of the 8 levels. Collect the item on each level then kill yourself. So depressing...
Super Mario World Plus 3
Toad told Mario to come to this land but an imposing Guard Fortress blocks the entrance...
Mario 3 Extended Edition
Only 90 levels were part of the original Mario 3 but this version has 107. Includes lost levels like Parabeetle Plains.
Duck Hunt
Try out this old time classic redone in flash. You can even shoot the dog!
Sonic the Lost Land
The Lost Land was once inhabited by the Ancients but no more thanks to EggRobo. Sonic will need Shadows help for this one!
Super Mario Rpg
Super Mario but in RPG form. A novel idea and a fun game all in one. Save the Princess while battling RPG style.
Princess Rescue 2 Luigis Journey
Luigi must save Daisy! 9 new worlds to explore and 92 levels to conquer including custom sprites, graphics, & music.
Battle City Mario
Mario and his friends must battle against the evil hordes of Goombas in this hack. Who will take the city?
New Strange Mario Bros
A fantastic rom hack featuring all sorts of new strange worlds to explore
Dr Mario Dx
This hack colorizes the original Dr Mario for the GameBoy. It is otherwise the same game.
Mario Kart 64
A fantastic racing game for the N64. Features 8 racers of varying classes and 16 tracks to race on.
Mario World After Years Ultra
Way off in the not so distant future in a time where the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom are long gone, something odd begins to happen...
Marios Double Trouble
Big Boo has captured Princess Peach! Mario must traverse the dangerous Fanta Fields in order to rescue her.
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario Bros 3 is one of the greatest games ever made. 8 Worlds and many bosses and challenges await you.
Super Mario Negative One
Have you ever heard of this crazy glitch? Mario must traverse an underwater maze while in World 0-1!
Super Mario World Plus
Bowser's brother Mozart (what?) has kidnapped the Princess and all the Yoshis too. Only Mario can save the day!
Mario vs Donkey Kong
Released in 2004, this puzzle platform game seeks to revive the age old rivalry between Donkey Kong and Mario
Super Mario Unlimited
40 new levels await you in this fun rom hack. Also has new music, items, graphics, and powerups too.
Mario Around The World
A fun sega genesis hack featuring a desert themed world and the usual line up of baddies
All Stars SMB3 Hack
The Super Mario 3 title has modified levels. When selecting a game, be sure to choose Super Mario 3.
Sonic Erazor
Explore beautifully reworked stages like Night Hill, Scar Night, and Star Agony in this fantastic, complete rom hack
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