Mario Games
Use the MOUSE to aim and shoot. Use ESC to show your mouse again.
Mario First Person Shooter
Ever wanted to grab a shotgun and go blasts some Goombas? Well, now is your chance!
Played 174775 times
More Super Mario Games To Play
Classic Mario Brothers
Play Classic Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It's the game that started it all!
Super Mario Wuss
The original Super Mario World but with blocks to protect you from falling in all those dang pits!
Ninja Gaiden
A NES classic with 6 acts to beat starring Ryu Hayabusa on a quest to avenge the death of his father
Play the original Megaman for the NES. Defeat 6 master robots and use their weapons to take down Dr. Wily.
Mario Is Missing 2
This rom hack of Super Mario World is what Mario is Missing SHOULD HAVE been. It stars Luigi and features new levels.
Karoshi Mario
Try to die in each of 35 levels. Yes, really! Your goal is to DIE! Press R (E key) to reset if you get stuck.
Super Smash Bros
A NES hack of Super Smash Bros. Choose your character and go punch someones face in!
Super Mario Negative One
Have you ever heard of this crazy glitch? Mario must traverse an underwater maze while in World 0-1!
Super Mario World
The original SNES game Super Mario World is here. This game has become an all time classic.
Extra Mario Bros
A brand new Mario game based on Metroid and with a cool, dark space theme to it. New enemies, powerups, and final boss.
Wario Land II
A Mario game but featuring Wario. Overcome obstacles, solve puzzles, and find the keys to locked doors to progress.
Mario Castlemania
Super Mario but with a Castlevania setting and gothic feel to it. 6 total levels to beat!
Mario Elemental Quest
A familiar starting message but an unfamiliar world await Mario in this one. Has all new levels to play.
Sonic The Hedgehog
Play the original Sonic the Hedgehog that started it all. Truly a classic Sega Genesis game!
Mario X World
A whole new world... Super Mario World that is. Features new levels but with the same overworld map.
Super Fraud Bros
A complete Super Mario 3 rom hack featuring 4 new worlds - some of which require difficult shell tricks
Sonic the Lost Land
The Lost Land was once inhabited by the Ancients but no more thanks to EggRobo. Sonic will need Shadows help for this one!
Super Mario Kart 8
This rom hack sort of emulates Super Mario Kart 8 but also has many never before seen tracks to race on
Super Mario World Plus
Bowser's brother Mozart (what?) has kidnapped the Princess and all the Yoshis too. Only Mario can save the day!
Mario 3 Extended Edition
Only 90 levels were part of the original Mario 3 but this version has 107. Includes lost levels like Parabeetle Plains.
Coolmarios Super Mario World
A fun rom hack of Super Mario World with all new levels to challenge the heck out of you. Good luck!
Super Wario Bros 3
WARNING: This game is INSANELY difficult! Not for the feint of heart! Don't click! Just don't!
Megaman 4
Battle 8 robots in the 4th installment. Features Dr. Cossack as the main villain for the first time.
Super Mario Bros
Relive some old school nostalgia with this epic, classic masterpiece for the NES starring Mario and Luigi!
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